New to All Saints? | All Saints Berkhamsted

The Church of All Saints Church, Berkhamsted

New to All Saints?

 Finding the church

The church is a large red brick building on the corner of Shrublands Road and Cross Oak Road. Directions and a map can be found here.


There is very limited parking in the church grounds. On-street parking can usually be found in nearby streets. Please be mindful of our neighbours when you park.


Our main service is at 10am on a Sunday morning – either Holy Communion or Morning Worship.

Most services will have a written order of service to follow, and include both modern and traditional hymns accompanied by the organ.

Holy Communion is usually held on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month and on special Sundays.

After the service all are invited for refreshments in the hall (follow everyone else!).  This is a good opportunity to meet members of the church.

Messy Church meets once a month, usually on a Sunday afternoon at 4pm.

Morning & Evening Prayer are said on Tuesday mornings at 9am and on Friday afternoons at 4pm respectively.

Eucharist is led by a priest from the parish is held every Tuesday morning at 9.30am.


All ages are welcome to our services and there is a ‘children’s area’ with books and toys available if you’d like to use it.



The Church is easily accessible by wheelchairs and mobility scooters.  There is a slight step into the hall from outside but it is fully accessible from the church.

There is a hearing loop which is used during most services.

There is an accessible toilet in the church lower hall.

Large-print hymn books are available on request.

If you are thinking about coming to a service at All Saints’, please feel free to contact us beforehand if you wish – we’d be very happy to answer any questions that you may have.